Monday, July 30, 2007

What a Weekend!

Finally a weekend off! Reason I don't want to talk about but I had a weekend off :) ... Went to lake and spent a day at the beach, ate alot of food and the weather was beautiful! Saw the Simpson's Movie, it was so funny. After I went to Vi-Ann and ate some more food. It was scrumptious! Went home and watched another movie, "Shooter" with Mark Wahlberg, it was really good! Lot of shooting and killing people for no good reason, you know?

Sunday I woke up at 12:30 in the afternoon, that's right! 12:30... ate a huge "breakfast" at 1:00 pm. Went to Costco and bought two huge racks of ribs, went home and BBQ in 37 celius weather, not a smart thing to do... anywho, pig out! and went and got some gelati.

It was awesome! It was great to spend some time with my wonderful wife. My cell phone was turned off and I didn't do any photography what so ever, not even touched my camera. Can't wait till my next weekend off in October... Bye for now.

Stay tune... I'm thinking of a contest to launch the new site, kinda like a grand opening... check back soon!


Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Thank YOU!!!

Wow... Thank you so much for the amazing support on the new website. It was well over due. I'll try my best to update it often.

Saturday was crazy hot, thankfully there was a slight breez and my couple Liz and Steve were amazing, they were ready to face the heat and didn't even complaint. We had a blast and manage to go to three locations and fired off about 1500 photos. I'll post some hightlights photos soon.

Bye for now. Nghia

Oh... Hi Carmen!

Monday, July 16, 2007

New Website!!!!

Hello All!
After 3 months of delays.... Finally the new website is up and running. There's going to be some changes to be made and new material to be added. So please visit regularly. Let me know how you like it. Love to hear from you.

P.S. All slideshows will also be updated to the new server. Please let me know if yours is missing. You can still access your gallery by going to and enter your event ID. Sorry for the inconvenience, all the bugs will be iron out soon.
