Monday, January 7, 2008

Photography Tips!

Hi Guys! I was looking through some of my older files and ran across this one and it made me laugh... Hope it put a smile on your face. She's so cute!

So I decided to put some photography tips at lease twice a month on my blog. So many people ask me for advice on how to improve their photos with the equipment that they have. Most people own P/S (Point and Shoot) cameras. Hope some of these tips will help you guys improve your photography. I will try to post a tip on photography or photoshop trick on evey second Monday of the month.

One of the worst rumor is the bigger the mega pixel the better the camera. Totally false! The bigger the mega pixel, the bigger photo you can print. With a 3 mega pixel camera you can print up to 8x12 very easily. When buying a camera, buy one with speed, which mean less time to take a photo when you press the shutter button. The most common complaint is that you "miss the shot", the camera's computer is to blame. Newer cameras these day are getting faster and faster and they're getting cheaper.

Okay first tip: try using natural light, turn off your flash. Use a bright window, photographers often call this "the poor man solfbox". This kind of light will give your photos more depth and a very photojournalism feel to the photo. Rotate your subject and looks for shadow, try to avoid shadow under the eyes (if you're shooting people). Even when you're outside on a cloudy day, look for even lighting. Under a tree or the shaded area beside a building. Hope this helps. See samples below.

Till next time: Nghia


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