Monday, January 7, 2008

New Year / New Toys!

First of all... Happy New Year Everyone! I know, I'm really late. I just want to say thank you to all of you for an unbelievable year, thank you so much for making me the happiest guy and thank you for letting me live my dream. I hope to bring more exciting images for guys to view. To all my clients, thank you so much for your support and to have fate in me on the most important day of your life. It was an honor to have you include me in your wedding day. I look forward to a new year and bring many more couples together.

It finally came!!! I've been waiting since August. My D3 and my D300. These new cameras are absolutely amazing! I've shot two weddings with these and OMG!!! The possibility are endless, I can't wait to get started. I've been spending so much time testing both cameras out and try to figure out all the new bells and whistles, strenghts and weaknesses (haven't found any yet). So far these are the best Nikon ever put out. I'll post some photos really soon. Take Care. Nghia.


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