Monday, September 17, 2007


Okay, I just saw the worst movie EVER! "Shoot 'Em Up"! Don't waste your time or money. Kris was ready to walk out 1/3 through the movie but I wanted to see/hope that the movie would get better... it got worse and worse and worse! I don't know how a movie can be so bad... I really have no words to describe how bad it really was. The main character ate alot of carrots, running around with a baby and shooting bad guys all at the same time. I think he ate like 12 carrots, I don't know where he put it? I'm not talking about baby carrots you put on your salad, these carrots are "12 inchers". I'm sitting here trying to understand the carrots thing. I don't think it's anything of an importance to the movie, it's just stupid!. Oh ya he killed some bad guys by stabbing them in the eyes with it, oh... and he used the line "what's up doc"... original! He delivered a baby and severed the umbilical cord with a gunshot. That's all I'm going to say. Anyway, Clive Owen... What the hell were you thinking?


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